Spring Broke

This week was "Spring Break" at the University of South Carolina, meaning there were no classes, but I knew I would still need to get some a lot of work done. So, as for "Spring Break," let's break it down:

Spring: This week was definitely spring-like with temperatures in the 70s here in Columbia, perfect for some bike rides and baseball.

Break Broke: It wasn't really much of a break. But it should have been. I was beat at the start of the week. I should have gotten out for a round of golf, a movie, something fun. Instead, I tried to work but that didn't work very well. Then Jacob got sick on Wednesday, so I stayed home and Lauren's school was closed on Friday so I had a fun day with her (including lunch with Jacob--she loves pretending that she's already a Kindergartner). But I didn't get to mark much off of my to-do list.

I think we need to take the time to refresh the body and spirit and pay the price when we don't. I should have been more intentional and taken some time to clear my head, and then I would have likely been more productive the rest of the time.

Lesson learned (I hope).