My wife, the only rightful heir of Mr. Elvis Presley

Many people, friends as well as strangers ask me how Lisa’s lawsuit is going? I have received quite a lot of inquiries to my blog. Now, naturally since it is not my lawsuit I don’t have all the facts, but there are some things that I can share. It is also something that I would like to share with my readers that have been a steady and returning crowd to my blog. I want to thank all the people that continue to give their unconditional love and support.

There are some true good friends out there and a whole bunch of true Elvis fans that can understand the truth. I am also grateful for my decision to bring this up on my blog so that I could be blessed with the knowledge that there are many decent and loving people out there. A true gift, and such a positive feedback that would be a comfort to anybody engaged in this important task that I have had the fortune to be a part of, and that I am grateful for every day I can partake in.

The lawsuit is now in its second year. The opposing party has tried just about every trick in the book to get of the hook, but guess what? They are in a very tight spot.
Turns out that the estate of Elvis Presley only has one defense, and that is that Lisa is too late!!! Yeah right! Like that’s gonna fly!

I have actually read court documents were they seriously claim that Lisa should have filed her lawsuit within four years of her kidnapping to Sweden!! That would mean that she would, as a victim of this heinous crime, have been required to file a lawsuit when she was 13 at the latest. I wonder if the young women that was kidnapped in Cleveland and locked in a house for ten years also only had 4 years to make their case? That would be absolutely ridiculous! If Memphis Court would come to the conclusion that Lisa only had four years(!?), they would probably end up being the laughing stock of the judicial community in the entire United States.

Well I knew Lisa when she was 13. She was an adorable girl with braids that had her head in karate, ballet and soccer. I seriously doubt she had any thought of RICO claims or racketeering activity or mafia laws or fraud or anything like that. When I was 13 my mind was troubled with problems like if Superman or Batman would win a fight between them, I’m serious this was serious stuff at that time.

Also the book “I Lisa Marie” is used and held against Lisa. That is the book that was stolen from Lisa as a blue print and that has been selling since 1999 on the black market, actually as a piracy product. Not many people know this. Luckily the illegal sale of the book, which Lisa has the copyright to has now been stopped due to the lawsuits going on in Memphis and as a consequence the violators of Lisa’s copyright will soon be brought to justice as well. This is great news. This is something that many people out there have no idea about and this illegal sale and more or less fantastic rumors about this book is something that haters have been able to utilize unopposed. Well I guess all bad things comes to an end…

Don’t believe what haters run their mouths about and even tabloids, there’s not much truth about Lisa out there. It’s not like she is running around on TV shows and doing interviews, and she’s had her share of offers I can tell you that, she is simply not interested.  Don’t you think Lisa would be out of court by now if she was not the rightful and only heir of Elvis Presley? Of course she would, it would be the simplest case in the world. The only reason she is not thrown out of court after almost two years is because she is the only rightful heir of Elvis Presley, and the only Lisa Marie Presley, and that makes this case the hardest one in history for the defendants because they have nothing of substance against Lisa, they can only try to wear her out (yeah, good luck with that, like that’s gonna happen). 

Slowly but unmistakably surely the wrongs are being set right, that’s what I call “self correcting block code.”

Also, this probably goes under the category peculiar facts; the Memphis judge stated that Lisa was very knowledgeable in the law. Well that’s gotta hurt for the defendant’s having libeled Lisa for not being a lawyer, I think “Ouch” is the appropriate word to describe the feeling here and needless to say I’m so proud of her. She is my wife and she is brilliant! I’m sure that these people - CKX and the estate at this point realize it would have been better for them if Lisa had pursued a singing career instead of law.