Lundsbergs boarding school is without doubt one of the best schools in Sweden. A five minute research session on internet with access to public educational statistics is enlightening. Lundbergs boarding school can show a stunning 93.3 % success rate for the graduating elementary classes according to the prevailing measurement criterion.
Students at Lundsberg, whom the School Inspectorate have "saved" from the "abusive" and non conformist value-environment which they are the victims off.
I'm a father, I have been a youth coach in martial arts for many years. I know that kids are like open books. One thing I've learned and this never fails - unhappy children cannot do squat. They can't study, they can't focus, they get bad results. It's not exactly rocket science. A 93.3% success rate tells me two things.
1. The closing of the school by the School Inspectorate (SI) based on alleged lack of safety is nonsense.
2. At least 93.3% of the students at Lundsbergs elementary program are happy campers.
One would naturally think that a government agency like the School Inspectorate would take their assignment seriously and really focus on the schools that fail miserably in their most basic educational duties, like teaching the students Swedish, math and English. If I was the director of this institution with the intimidating English name reminiscent of some ominous government agency in the mind of George Orwell I would bring the Inspectorate's attention elsewhere. There's plenty of work in many other schools in Sweden.
In Sigtuna, the communal schools only succeed in giving 70.7% of the students the most basic educational basis necessary to be able to go on to high school. 30% of the students have failed in Swedish. That is a pretty grim reality considering that the schools are in Sweden.
In Stockholm, the capitol of Sweden, the Rågsvedsskolans elementary program only succeeds in giving a shocking 31.8% of the students the necessary educational basis to be able to go on to high school. That is absolutely flabbergasting; 60% of the kids in Rågsvedsskolan graduate from 9th grade practically illiterate.
This is a picture of Rågsvedsskolan. An example of a school that upholds the government endorsed values and culture according to the School Inspectorate and where the SI don't think that student safety is an issue.
The School Inspectorate spends millions on investigations and a media circus to defame the Lundsbergs school, an excellent school with happy students and a success-rate of 93.3%. This also effectively sabotages seniors' at Lundsbergs boarding school's possibilities to maximize their grades and their academic futures since they now must move to a school where their academic results are unknown.
Not only that, they choose to punish studious students collectively to set an example against punitive traditions(!?),
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