My daughters, Anna Grace and Jeanne benefitting from the safety glass barrier between them and the gorilla at Washington National Zoo.
At Kolmården Zoo in Sweden there has been an incident with a gorilla throwing rocks at the visitors. A woman was hit in the head and was brought to the hospital with a bleeding forehead. In the Swedish daily DN, the Zoo director Marjorie Castro said to have claimed it was the first incident of its kind. In another Swedish paper Aftonbladet, several other visitors are coming forward claiming they also have been hit by rocks thrown by the gorillas. A couple of them doesn't want to come forward with their full names.
Maybe it is time to put up the kind of safety barrier that they have at Washington Zoo at Kolmården Zoo also, in order to ensure the safety of visitors. Especially for children so that they can enjoy and explore these fantastic animals close up without risking getting hurt.
My daughters were sitting just inches from the gorilla who apparently was enjoying their company. It allowed them to safely return home after a wonderful experience, instead of being traumatized.
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