Snow Falling on Palms, Part Deux

What does this picture make you think of? "Snow Day"? I suppose, if you by "Snow Day" you mean clear blue skies, no snow, no ice, and moderate winter temperatures (34º at 8:00 a.m., predictions for temperatures up to 40º). Apparently, that's what Richland 2 School District considers a "Snow Day" (as did every other district in the Midlands). I love spending a day off with the kids, of course, and enjoyed when we had an actual snow day (complete with actual snow), but it's Monday and I only have about 10,000 things on my To Do List. (I didn't show the same palm tree as in the previous post because the only palm we have in our yard is very small and it would be hard to show the lovely skies above.)

Trying to make potato salad out of potatoes (dontcha like that better than lemons/lemonade?), I thought I'd look for ways to get out of the house. Let's go to the Richland County Library. Closed. How about the South Carolina State Museum? Closed. (But it's always closed on Mondays.) Columbia Museum of Art? (Again, closed on Mondays.) How about some quality swim time at the local YMCA? Bingo! And, luckily, the Y is only about two miles away so we can navigate the treacherously dry roads without too much problem. Whew.