Hanna Widerstedt
This would probably be interesting for a non Swedish reader, or not, Hanna Widerstedt a Swedish artist is the most trending person in Google searches in Sweden. Friend of reason naturally wonders what her claim to fame is creating such interest. I believe this might take a little explanation into the Swedish mentality to be able to grasp.
Sweden has an artschool that is famous for or should notorious for its student project that runs of the charts. Not so long ago one student project was widely discussed and reported about in the media since a student had pretended to be crazy and got herself admitted to a mental institution, another brought a storm of protest since he or she, (don’t remember which it was) vandalized a subway train and had it filmed.
This time Hanna Widerstedt has made up a personality, participated in the TV-Show big brother, writing a blog and mingling with the ”hot” and popular in the cyber universe of bloggers, reality stars and wannabes in Sweden. She started her own blog exaggerating everything. She calls her made up personality ”Lois Vulgorett” and the project the ”LV Project."
She describes her experience as living in ”a bubble of angst and champagne.”
Lois Vulgorette
Blog Archive
- @RT_com: Watch VIDEO of airliner crashing onto #Mo...
- Christmas calendar of advent ”Luck 21"
- Cristmas calendar of advent ”Luck 20"
- Christmas calendar of advent ”Luck 19"
- Christmas calendar of advent ”Luck 18"
- Christmas calendar of advent ”Luck 17"
- Swiss roll
- Christmas calendar of advent ”luck 16"
- Christmas calendar of advent ”Luck 15"
- Christmas calendar of advent ”Luck 14"
- In the eye of the beholder
- S:t Lucia, December 13
- Christmas calendar of advent ”Luck 13"
- Christmas calendar of advent ”Luck 12"
- Christmas calendar of advent ”Luck 11"
- Christmas calendar of advent ”Luck 10"
- Swedish court: Homeschooling = abuse
- Christmas calendar of advent ”Luck 9"
- Christmas calendar of advent ”Luck 8"
- 25 000 readers!
- Oops!
- Christmas calendar of advent ”Luck 7"
- 1.4 million to go to the moon
- Hanna Widerstedt featuring Lois Vulgorette
- Christmas calendar of advent ”Luck 6"
- Besse Cooper
- Christmas Calendar of Advent ”Luck 5"
- Only in Las Vegas
- Beware of the ”Nobel" poet!
- Christmas Calendar of Advent ”Luck 4"
- Tomboys will be tomboys
- Christmas Calendar of Advent ”Luck 3"
- Speaking of Peace: Captain Vasili Arkhipov
- Skynet is arming up
- Christmas Calendar of Advent ”Luck 2"
- Christmas Calender of Advent ”Luck No 1"
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