Fore! Gators in S.C. News

Golf in South Carolina (which proclaims itself "First in Golf" because the Palmetto State claims to have more golf courses per capita than any other state and/or because they're just so damn good) made headlines today. I noticed these headlinees while catching up on the news over my eggs and bacon this morning.

Headline One from The State: "SC golfer loses arm in alligator attack"

Headline Two from USA Today: "Second homes: Golf, sun and sand for less in Myrtle Beach"

Let's hope the readers of Headline Two don't see Headline One. I don't mean to make light of this poor fellow. It made headlines because it's actually quite rare. Just ten minutes from my house is a lake with several gators. I helped with the fishing station at Cub Scout camp there and we just steered clear of them. Once a kid snagged one by accident (the gator gobbled the bobber) and we just cut the line. Generally, the gators leave you alone.

And to friends who want to come for some fun in the sun with me, I promise you we'll golf at alligator-free courses. Or I'll take advantage of South Carolina's generous gun sales policy (I'm sure a nice gator rifle could fit in my bag between my driver and three-wood) and if we're confronted with a gator, you can go home with some sweet alligator golf shoes.