Fall Break

I think a common problem for professors is having more ideas than time. I've had good intentions to write more on this blog—and plenty of ideas of things to write about—but just haven't had/made the time. The University of South Carolina's Fall Break starts tomorrow so I'll use that as a valid excuse to again not post something for a bit.

Why a fall break? you ask. Good question. I guess for the symmetry of having spring break. And because having Thanksgiving off is surely not enough. (Not that I'm complaining. Nor are my students, for that matter.)

Fall Break means it's time for mid-terms (my U101 class gets theirs today), mini-vacations (my parents are coming in town to see the grandkids, oh, and us too), and catching up on work for some professors (but not this—see previous item). Tomorrow night we will attend a "Faculty Night" for "early career faculty" (those who are still new to the university), an event designed for new faculty to network and meet others on campus. Should be a nice way to kick off Fall Break...