Go Utes?

I almost, almost, had plans to go see the Utes play in the Sugar Bowl in New Orleans. A ten-hour trip with a fellow Ute living here in the Palmetto State, but alas, it wasn't to be...

Others have asked me why I would want to go to all that effort just to see my team lose when I could see them lose for free at home. That rubbed me the wrong way, of course, until I came across some scientific proof that maybe there's not much hope. We ordered pizzas online from Domino's last weekend and after placing my order I was given the chance to indicate who I thought would win each of the BCS bowls. Then the magnificent InterTube showed me the results of this highly scientific poll (which I captured with a screen shot so I could further analyze the complex findings of the study):

So what kind of chance do the Utes have? A great scholar weighs in:

I hold out hope!