
If there were ever a writer to emulate, it would be Studs Terkel. The guy could write. Seriously write.

I say could write because I woke up to the sad news this morning that he died yesterday.

If you've never read a word by Studs—and there a lot of words to read—I would suggest starting with Working. Then take your pick. (He wrote his last book on death because he was "curious" about it.) Anyone who wishes to become a better writer could learn a lot from Studs and how he practiced his craft. More importantly, anyone who wishes to learn something about the "human condition" (something some professors aim to do), would do well to learn from him as well.

There are others who can tell you much more about him than I ever could. Like Roger Ebert, another great writer (and fellow Chicagoan). He's posted his own memories as well as an essay from last year, when Studs turned 95.

I remember a great interview that Mike Wallace on 60 Minutes a few years ago. I found a plethora of Studs Terkel clips but not the one I wanted. This short one gives you a sense of the man.

Thanks, Studs.